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Junk Hunters

upcycling a chair

When we need something new in our life, we tend to just hit the stores, whip out our credit cards, and make a purchase. Similarly, when we think that an item has outlasted its usefulness, then we usually accept that it has to end up in the trash. But do these things always have to be true? Or is there a different way of doing things? There’s always a different way!

Rather than simply throwing your junk away, what if you could give a new lease of life? This process is called upcycling, and it has been growing in popularity in recent years. It’s not just a way to save money or a way to do your bit for the environment — it can also be fun. There’s something pretty special about having an item in your home that was restored using your own hands.

In this blog, we’re going to run through everything you need to know about upcycling junk, including why you should do it, some useful tips, and the items in your home that could become part of your first project.

The Art of Upcycling

If you’ve been living in your property for more than a few years, then it’s highly likely that you’ve got plenty of items that are, well, a little past their best. It happens all the time! They could be slightly damaged, or the colour may have faded, or they may just be out of fashion. When it comes to those items, you’ll have a few different options. You can try and sell them, you can throw them away, or you can try your hand at upcycling.

In our book, the first two options should only be exercised after the third one has been exhausted. If you’re going to throw an item away anyway, then you may as well at least try to bring it back to life.

In the most basic terms, upcycling involves taking an old item and giving it a little TLC in order for it to become a new and useful product. The trend has caught on in a big way in recent years — indeed, it’s become so popular that it has even had an influence on interior design. The chalk aesthetic you see everywhere? Many of those items are upcycling projects.

reusing old junk

Paint and Varnish

Part of the beauty of upcycling is that anyone can do it. If you have a tin of paint or varnish, then you can simply get to work on making your item of furniture look beautiful again. One of the best hacks, mentioned above, is to paint a slightly worse-for-wear item of furniture with chalk paint — you’ll be amazed at just how much of a difference it can make and how good it can look!

Other ideas include sharpening up an old step ladder and turning it into a bookshelf or hanging it on the wall with plants, or you might collect an old pallet and make a coffee table or bed frame. All you need to do is think a little creatively about the possibilities!

When to Throw Away

Of course, even with all the will in the world, there’ll be times when you have to admit defeat. If something is too far gone, then it might be impossible to give it a new lease of life. The fun thing about these types of projects is that you can just get creative and try your best, since you’ll have nothing to lose.

But if you get to the point where it’s become a labour of stress and exhaustion, then perhaps it’s best to throw it away. Hopefully, you can give the item a new lease of life, a different kind, by working with a junk removal company that recycles 75% of the materials that it collects, such as Junk Hunters.

Clearing Your Junk

If you have some items at home that you think may be beyond your skills as an amateur upcycling artist, then fear not — here at Junk Hunters, we can ensure that the item is removed from your property without any major fuss. Our experienced and professional team has plenty of expertise when it comes to removing all kinds of home furniture and appliances. So if there’s really no hope for your item, then get in touch with us, and we’ll take care of it. You can book our services by calling on 0800 233 5865, sending an email to [email protected], or by clicking the ‘Book Online Now’ button at the top of this page.