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Junk Hunters

guy fawkes gunpowder plot

I remember the days of collecting old furniture and taking it to the local Rugby club field where the community would create their own bonfire. It seemed massive to me as a young child. We would all gather on the evening of the 5th of November. Bonfire blazing and sparklers in hand a local fireworks display would take place amidst ooh’s and aah’s.

Great memories and it’s easy to forget how dangerous this night can be.

Here are our top tips for enjoying a fabulous evening, whilst staying safe at the same time, whether going to a London based display or doing something at home.

Our Top Tips for a Fun Fireworks Night

Keeping Warm:

Wear layers, bring blankets or hand warmers, and gather around a bonfire or portable heat source (but not too close of course!).

Hot drinks such as hot chocolate or cider can also help keep you warm.

Make sure to dig out the hats and scarfs too. It’s amazing how cold it can get when you are stood still outside.

Organised Displays:

An organised display is usually a feature in every town across the UK. This is a great way of enjoying the evening without having to worry about anything other than where to park!

Generally organised displays will have food and drink options available, or you can take your own.

Dress your little ones in distinctive clothes and arrange a meeting place should you get split up, it’s easy to lose each other in the crowds.

Take a torch to help you find your way, the darker the better for fireworks but this obviously makes it more difficult to move about safely.

Fireworks at Home:

Why not club together with family and friends to purchase some safe fireworks for your garden.

Ask everyone to bring something to eat and drink and you can really make a night of it.

Kids love marshmallow skewers, and the adults don’t mind them too much either!

Fun Facts about Guy Fawkes and Fireworks

fireworks over London

– Fireworks were invented in China more than 2,000 years ago and were used to scare evil spirits.

– The first fireworks display in the United States was in 1777 to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

– Some types of fireworks can reach temperatures of up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit.

– Fireworks are classified as explosives and can be dangerous if not used properly. It is important to follow all safety precautions provided by firework manufacturers and local authorities.

– Guy Fawkes was a member of the Gunpowder Plot, a group of English Catholics who attempted to assassinate King James I and blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.

– He was caught guarding the explosives under the House of Lords and arrested. He was later convicted and executed for treason.

– Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, is celebrated on November 5th in England by lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks to commemorate his failure in carrying out the plot.

– In popular culture, the image of Guy Fawkes and the phrase “Remember, remember the fifth of November” have been used in various forms of protest and activism.

– The graphic novel and film V for Vendetta popularized the use of a Guy Fawkes mask as a symbol for anonymous rebellion against perceived oppression.

Safety Tips for a Successful Guy Fawkes Night:

Our top safety tips:

– Only light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from buildings, trees, and dry grass.

– Never try to relight or pick up a dud firework.

– Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby in case of emergencies.

– Do not allow children to handle fireworks without adult supervision.

– Make sure to dispose of used fireworks properly by soaking them in water before throwing them away.

– When it comes to sparklers, only adults should light them and they should be lit one at a time, then safely disposed of in the water bucket once finished.

– Keep pets indoors to minimize stress and potential hazards for them.

– Remember to clean up any debris left behind before leaving the celebration area.

– Have a first aid kit, and if possible, fire extinguisher to hand.

– Have a designated adult supervisor at all times and do not leave unattended for any reason.

– Avoid alcohol: Drinking can impair judgment and lead to unsafe behaviours with fireworks or bonfires.

– Follow the rules: Check local laws and regulations on fireworks before setting off any sparks or flames.

– Only use legal fireworks and follow all safety instructions on their packaging.

– Stay a safe distance: Stand at least 20 feet away from any fireworks or bonfires.

By following these guidelines, you can have a fun and memorable Guy Fawkes Night while keeping yourself and others safe. Happy celebrating!